About Me:

I am a unique individual who-

has explored hidden things since my earliest days. It has not been until now that I’ve felt that my own experiences are necessary to share publicly and to be made available to the open world. The Path I am on is secret, and it remains so to all whom I personally know, friends and family alike. My hope for this space is not to reveal my identity, but the own truth’s I’ve found that accompany the Path.

Throughout this publicized continuation of my own ecstatic journey, I’ll remain anonymous, however, my heart desires two things from this space… 1) Not to reveal knowledge, but to make known truth to all who heart-fully desire it, and 2) to leave a footprint of my own, so that I can look back upon my own story-arc as it progresses distantly forward and recall more thoroughly the wonder and beauty of it all…

I may not post often, or heftily, but when I do you can expect to find:

Poetry, musical excerpts, proverbial truths, synchronistic observations, symbolism/archetypes, dream-content, Sacred Texts and any other inspirations connected to my heart and/or the Divine; thus being the two single most important things in my own life… for they are one in the same.

Thank you for stopping by!